MariaDB CONV() Function

In MariaDB, it CONV() is a built-in numeric function that converts a number from one base to another, such as from base 10 to base 2.

MariaDB CONV() Syntax

Here is the syntax of the MariaDB CONV() function:

CONV(num, from_base, to_base)



Required. A number.


Required. The base currently used for numbers. From 2 to 36.


Required. The base to convert the number to. From 2 to 36.

If you provide the wrong number of parameters, MariaDB will report an error: ERROR 1582 (42000): Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'CONV'.

Return value

The MariaDB CONV() function convert numbers from one base to another.

The CONV() function will return NULL if any parameter is NULL.

MariaDB CONV() Examples

This example converts several characters in hexadecimal to decimal numbers:

  CONV('A', 16, 10),
  CONV('B', 16, 10),
  CONV('C', 16, 10),
  CONV('D', 16, 10),
  CONV('E', 16, 10),
  CONV('F', 16, 10)\G


CONV('A', 16, 10): 10
CONV('B', 16, 10): 11
CONV('C', 16, 10): 12
CONV('D', 16, 10): 13
CONV('E', 16, 10): 14
CONV('F', 16, 10): 15

This example converts several numbers in base 10 to base 2:

  CONV(16, 10, 2),
  CONV(32, 10, 2),
  CONV(64, 10, 2)\G


CONV(16, 10, 2): 10000
CONV(32, 10, 2): 100000
CONV(64, 10, 2): 1000000


In MariaDB, CONV() is a built-in numeric function that converts a number from one base to another.