MariaDB Operators

This page organizes the commonly used MariaDB operators. Unlike functions, which take arguments in parentheses after the function name, operators require operands.


    In MariaDB, BINARY is a built-in operator that converts a given string to a binary string.
  2. CASE

    In MariaDB, CASE is a built-in expression, which is similar to if-elseif-else, and is used for multi-branch situations in flow control.
  3. DIV

    In MariaDB, DIV is a built-in operator that performs divisions and returns an integer result.

    In MariaDB, EXCEPT is a built-in set operator that returns the difference of two result sets.

    In MariaDB, INTERSECT is a built-in set operator that returns the intersection of two result sets, that is, those rows existing in both result sets.
  6. LIKE

    In MariaDB, the LIKE operator matches a given string against a given pattern and returns the matching result.
  7. MINUS

    In MariaDB, MINUS is a built-in set operator that returns the difference of two result sets.
  8. MOD

    In MariaDB, MOD is a built-in operator that returns the remainder when one number is divided by another.

    In MariaDB, the NOT LIKE operator is negation operation of the LIKE operator.
  10. REGEXP

    In MariaDB, the REGEXP operator checks whether a string matches a regular expression.
  11. RLIKE

    In MariaDB, the RLIKE operator checks whether a string matches a regular expression.
  12. UNION

    In MariaDB, UNION is a built-in set operator that returns the union of two result sets.