MariaDB ROUND() Function

In MariaDB, ROUND() is a built-in numeric function that rounds a given numeric parameter to a given decimal places.

If you need to truncate decimal places by digits, use the TRUNCATE() function.

If you need to return the integer part of a number, use FLOOR(), CEIL(), or CEILING().

MariaDB ROUND() Syntax

Here is the syntax of the MariaDB ROUND() function:

ROUND(x[, d])



Required. The numbers being processed.


Optional. The number of decimal places to keep. The default value is 0.

If you provide the wrong number of parameters, MariaDB will report an error: ERROR 1582 (42000): Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'ROUND'.

Return value

The MariaDB ROUND() function rounds the given number to the given number of decimal places.

If d is greater than equal to x the number of decimal places, returns the original number.

If d is less than the decimal places of x, returns after rounding to d decimal places.

If d is negative, the ROUND() function will replace d integers with 0 from the dot back forward.

If any parameter is NULL, the ROUND() function will return NULL.

MariaDB ROUND() Examples

This statement shows the basic usage of the MariaDB ROUND() function:

    ROUND(123.45678, 0),
    ROUND(123.45678, 1),
    ROUND(123.45678, 2),
    ROUND(123.45678, 4),
    ROUND(123.45678, 5),
    ROUND(123.45678, 6),
    ROUND(123.45678, -1),
    ROUND(123.45678, -2),
    ROUND(123.45678, NULL)\G


      ROUND(123.45678): 123
   ROUND(123.45678, 0): 123
   ROUND(123.45678, 1): 123.5
   ROUND(123.45678, 2): 123.46
   ROUND(123.45678, 4): 123.4568
   ROUND(123.45678, 5): 123.45678
   ROUND(123.45678, 6): 123.456780
  ROUND(123.45678, -1): 120
  ROUND(123.45678, -2): 100
ROUND(123.45678, NULL): NULL


In MariaDB, ROUND() is a built-in numeric function that rounds a given numeric parameter to a given decimal places.