Introduction to MongoDB $anyElementTrue Operator

$anyElementTrue is an operator in MongoDB’s query language used to match array fields that contain at least one element that is true. This operator is applicable to MongoDB version 3.2 and above.


The syntax for the $anyElementTrue operator is as follows:

{ <field>: { $anyElementTrue: <boolean> } }

Here, <field> represents the array field to be matched, and <boolean> represents the value to be matched, which can be the Boolean values true or false.

Use Cases

The $anyElementTrue operator is commonly used to conveniently match array fields that contain at least one element that is true. Some common use cases include:

  • Finding articles that contain specific tags.
  • Finding a list of other users that a particular user follows.


Suppose there is a collection named users that contains the following two documents:

  "_id" : ObjectId("61f6d4ce7af12a4a91a7b1e0"),
  "username" : "user1",
  "following" : [true, false, false]
  "_id" : ObjectId("61f6d4e77af12a4a91a7b1e1"),
  "username" : "user2",
  "following" : [false, false, false]

The $anyElementTrue operator can be used to find users who follow other users, with the following query:

db.users.find({ following: { $anyElementTrue: true } })

After executing the above query, the following result will be returned:

  "_id" : ObjectId("61f6d4ce7af12a4a91a7b1e0"),
  "username" : "user1",
  "following" : [true, false, false]


The $anyElementTrue operator is a very useful operator in MongoDB’s query language, which can conveniently match array fields that contain at least one element that is true. In practical development, this operator can be used according to specific requirements to achieve more efficient and flexible data querying.