Introduction to MongoDB collection.insertOne() Method

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that stores data in documents instead of tables. The insertOne() method in MongoDB is used to insert a single new document into a database.


The syntax for the insertOne() method in MongoDB is as follows:

db.collection.insertOne(document, options)

Here, db.collection is the name of the collection to insert data into, document is a document object representing the document to be inserted, and options is an optional parameter for specifying insertion options.

Use Cases

The insertOne() method is useful in the following situations:

  • Inserting a single new document into a collection.
  • If the collection doesn’t exist, it will be created automatically.
  • If the collection already exists, a new document will be inserted into it.
  • If a document with the same _id value already exists in the collection, the insertion will fail.


Here is an example of using the insertOne() method to insert a single new document:

db.users.insertOne({ name: "John", age: 30, email: "[email protected]" })

This will insert a new document with name, age, and email fields into the users collection.

Here is an example of using the insertOne() method with options to insert a new document:

  { name: "John", age: 30, email: "[email protected]" },
  { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } }

This will insert a new document into the users collection and use the { writeConcern: { w: "majority" } } option to specify that the write operation should wait for a majority of nodes to respond.


The insertOne() method is a convenient way to insert a single new document into a MongoDB database, including automatically creating a collection if it doesn’t already exist. If a document with the same _id value already exists in the collection, the insertion will fail.