Introduction to MongoDB collection.latencyStats() Method

latencyStats() is a method in MongoDB that returns latency statistics for operations during a specified time period. Latency statistics can help you understand query performance and identify potential performance issues, making it very useful in diagnosing and optimizing database performance.


The syntax of the latencyStats() method is as follows:

db.collection.latencyStats({ <query> })

Here, collection represents the collection you want to query, and query is an optional query condition used to limit the returned results.

Use Cases

The latencyStats() method can be used when analyzing query performance. The information returned by this method allows you to quickly understand the latency of operations and identify potential performance issues. It is particularly useful when optimizing performance.


Here is an example of using the latencyStats() method:

Assume you have a collection named orders that stores order information. You want to query the latency statistics for queries executed in the past hour. You can use the following command:

db.orders.latencyStats({ at: { $gte: new Date( - 60 * 60 * 1000) } })

This command will return latency statistics for queries executed in the past hour.


The latencyStats() method can help you analyze query performance and identify potential performance issues. Using this method, you can understand the latency of operations, which is particularly useful when optimizing performance.