Introduction to MongoDB $cosh Operator

The $cosh operator is a mathematical operator in MongoDB that calculates the hyperbolic cosine function value of an input expression, which can be any number, field, or expression.


The syntax of the $cosh operator is as follows:

{ $cosh: <expression> }

Here, <expression> is the number, field, or expression for which to calculate the hyperbolic cosine function.

Use Cases

The $cosh operator can be used in queries that require the calculation of hyperbolic cosine function values, such as statistical analysis and data clustering of numeric data.


Suppose we have the following documents:

{ "_id": 1, "value": 0 }
{ "_id": 2, "value": 1 }
{ "_id": 3, "value": 2 }

We can use the $cosh operator to calculate the hyperbolic cosine function value of the value field, as shown below:

    $project: {
      cosh_value: { $cosh: "$value" }

After executing the above aggregation operation, the following results can be obtained:

{ "_id": 1, "cosh_value": 1 }
{ "_id": 2, "cosh_value": 1.54308063481524 }
{ "_id": 3, "cosh_value": 3.76219569108363 }


The $cosh operator is a mathematical operator in MongoDB that calculates the hyperbolic cosine function value of an input expression. It can be used in queries that require the calculation of hyperbolic cosine function values, such as statistical analysis and data clustering of numeric data.