Introduction to MongoDB cursor.allowPartialResults() Method

MongoDB is a non-relational database management system widely used in modern application development. MongoDB provides many methods to help developers improve the efficiency and flexibility of database operations, including the allowPartialResults() method.

The allowPartialResults() method allows partial query results to be returned in a query operation, even if some shards are faulty or unavailable. This allows query operations to continue and return as much data as possible in case of errors.


The syntax of the allowPartialResults() method is as follows:

db.collection.find(query, projection).allowPartialResults()

Here, query and projection represent the query condition and the fields to be returned, respectively. The allowPartialResults() method is used to allow partial query results to be returned.

Use cases

When using distributed collections, it is possible that some shards may not be able to respond to queries, resulting in the entire query operation being unable to execute. In such cases, using the allowPartialResults() method allows partial query results to be returned, avoiding the failure of the entire query operation.

Additionally, when querying large amounts of data, query operations may take a long time to complete. If some shards fail during the query process, the entire query operation may fail as a result. By using the allowPartialResults() method, partial query results can be returned even if some shards fail, returning as much data as possible.

The following example shows how to use the allowPartialResults() method to allow partial query results to be returned. We will run a query on a distributed collection, where one shard will be simulated to be unable to respond to the query, resulting in partial results being returned. The specific steps are as follows:


  1. Create a sharded cluster in MongoDB. We will simulate this cluster on a local machine.

  2. Start mongod instances and connect them with mongos processes.

  3. Create a distributed collection testdb on the sharded cluster and enable sharding for it.

    //create a shard1 replica set on one mongod instance
    mongod --replSet shard1 --port 27001 --dbpath /data/shard1rs1 --shardsvr
    //create a shard2 replica set on another mongod instance
    mongod --replSet shard2 --port 27002 --dbpath /data/shard2rs1 --shardsvr
    //start the mongos process
    mongos --configdb localhost:27017
    //connect to mongos and enable sharding
    sh.shardCollection("test.testdb", {"_id": 1})
  4. Insert some data on one of the shards.

    //connect to the shard1 replica set on the mongod instance
    mongo --port 27001
    rs.initiate({_id: "shard1", members: [{_id: 0, host: "localhost:27001"}]})
    use test
    sh.shardCollection("test.testdb", {"_id": 1})
    //insert some data on shard1
    for(var i = 0; i < 20000; i++) {
      db.testdb.insert({_id: i, name: "user" + i})
  5. Run a query where one shard will be simulated to be unable to respond to the query.

    // Connect to mongos
    // Run the query and use the allowPartialResults() method to allow partial results to be returned
      .testdb.find({ _id: { $lt: 10000 } })

In the above example, the allowPartialResults() method allows partial query results to be returned even if one shard is unresponsive to the query. This prevents the query from failing completely and allows some useful results to be returned to some extent. However, please note that these results may be incomplete and should be used with caution.


The allowPartialResults() method is a useful tool in MongoDB that allows partial query results to be returned in certain situations even if one or more shards are unresponsive to the query. However, it is important to note that the results returned using this method may be incomplete and should be used with caution.