Introduction to MongoDB cursor.hint() Method

MongoDB is a document-based distributed database management system that supports multiple query methods, among which cursor.hint() is one. The cursor.hint() method specifies the index used for MongoDB queries. It can help optimize query performance and improve query speed.


The syntax of the cursor.hint(hint) method is as follows:


Here, query is the query condition, and index is the specified index. The hint parameter can be a string or a document type, used to specify the index.


The cursor.hint() method is usually used in the following situations:

  • When query performance is more important than index selection, you can use the hint() method to force the use of a specified index.
  • When multiple indexes are available, you can use the hint() method to force the use of a specific index, thereby avoiding MongoDB using the wrong index.
  • When a query uses different indexes in different scenarios, you can use the hint() method to select the correct index.


Suppose we have a collection named employees that contains employee information. We want to find employee information where the age is 25 and the salary is 1500, and we want to force the use of the age_1_salary_1 index. The code is as follows:

db.employees.find({ age: 25, salary: 1500 }).hint("age_1_salary_1")

This query will use the age_1_salary_1 index to find employee information that meets the criteria. If the hint() method is not specified, MongoDB will select the most optimal index based on the query condition.


Using the cursor.hint() method can force the use of a specified index during a query to improve query performance. However, this method should be used with caution because choosing the wrong index may cause a decline in query performance. It is recommended to perform index optimization before using this method to ensure the correct index is selected.