Introduction to MongoDB cursor.maxawaittimems() Method

MongoDB is a NoSQL database that uses JavaScript for its query language. The cursor.maxAwaitTimeMS() method in MongoDB is used to set the maximum amount of time a query should wait, controlling the amount of time a query can wait before timing out.


The cursor.maxAwaitTimeMS() method is called using the find() method and has the following syntax:


Here, db.collection refers to the collection in the database, and value refers to the maximum wait time in milliseconds.

Use Cases

The cursor.maxAwaitTimeMS() method is typically used to control the amount of time a query should wait. For example, in high-concurrency environments, query times can be long, and to avoid blocking other operations, we can set the maximum wait time for queries.


Here are two examples of using the cursor.maxAwaitTimeMS() method:

Example 1

Assume the following orders collection:

{ "_id": 1, "order_date": ISODate("2022-01-01") }
{ "_id": 2, "order_date": ISODate("2022-02-01") }
{ "_id": 3, "order_date": ISODate("2022-03-01") }
{ "_id": 4, "order_date": ISODate("2022-04-01") }

We want to query for documents with the order_date field between 2022-01-01 and 2022-04-01 and stop the query if it takes more than 1000 milliseconds. We can use the following command:

> db.orders.find({order_date: {$gte: ISODate("2022-01-01"), $lte: ISODate("2022-04-01")}}).maxAwaitTimeMS(1000)

This command will stop the query after 1000 milliseconds.

Example 2

Assume the following books collection:

{ "_id": 1, "name": "Book A", "price": 50 }
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Book B", "price": 60 }
{ "_id": 3, "name": "Book C", "price": 70 }
{ "_id": 4, "name": "Book D", "price": 80 }

We want to query for documents with the price field greater than or equal to 60 and stop the query if it takes more than 500 milliseconds. We can use the following command:

> db.books.find({price: {$gte: 60}}).maxAwaitTimeMS(500)

This command will stop the query after 500 milliseconds.


The cursor.maxAwaitTimeMS() method is used to set the maximum amount of time a query should wait, controlling the amount of time a query can wait before timing out. It can be used to control query response times and server resource usage. The method is useful in situations where you need to control query wait time or avoid excessive server resource consumption.