Introduction to MongoDB $slice Operator

The $slice operator is a projection operator in MongoDB used to select a specified number of elements from an array. It can also select elements from the beginning or end of an array.


The syntax of the $slice operator is as follows:

{ $slice: [ <array>, <n>, <position> ] }

Where <array> is the array field to process, <n> is the number of elements to select, and <position> is the position to select, which can be a positive or negative number.

  • When <position> is a positive number, the elements are selected from the beginning of the array, and the selected position is indexed starting from 0.
  • When <position> is a negative number, the elements are selected from the end of the array, and the selected position is indexed starting from -1.

Use Cases

The $slice operator can be used in the following scenarios:

  • Selecting the first or last few elements of an array
  • Paging queries, selecting elements within a specified range
  • Replacing the $limit and $skip operators


Example 1

The following example demonstrates how to use the $slice operator to select the first two elements of an array.

Assume the following document:

  "_id": 1,
  "students": ["Alice", "Lucy", "James", "Kobe", "Adam"]

To select the first two elements of the students array, the following aggregation pipeline can be used:

    $project: {
      first_two_students: { $slice: ["$students", 2] }

After running the above aggregation pipeline, the following result will be obtained:

  "_id": 1,
  "first_two_students": ["Alice", "Lucy"]

Example 2

The following example demonstrates how to use the $slice operator to select the last two elements of an array.

Assume the following document:

  "_id": 2,
  "numbers": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

To select the last two elements of the numbers array, the following aggregation pipeline can be used:

    $project: {
      last_two_numbers: { $slice: ["$numbers", -2] }

After running the above aggregation pipeline, the following result will be obtained:

  "_id": 2,
  "last_two_numbers": [4, 5]


The $slice operator can be used to select elements from an array and supports selecting from the beginning or end of an array. It is very useful for paging queries and selecting specific ranges of elements, and can replace the combination of $limit and $skip operators. In practical applications, the $slice operator can be used together with other operators. For example, the $filter operator can be used to filter elements that meet specific conditions, and then the $slice operator can be used to select a portion of the elements that meet the conditions. In addition, the $slice operator also supports negative indexing, which can be used to select the last elements of an array. Using the $slice operator can improve query efficiency, reduce the amount of data transmitted over the network, and optimize application performance.