Introduction to MongoDB $tanh Operator

In MongoDB, the $tanh operator is a mathematical operator used to calculate the hyperbolic tangent of a given value. It returns a value ranging from -1 to 1.


The $tanh operator is used with the following syntax:

{ $tanh: <expression> }

Here, <expression> is the numerical expression for which the hyperbolic tangent value needs to be calculated.

Use Cases

The $tanh operator is generally used in aggregation pipeline operations that require numerical calculations. The hyperbolic tangent function is useful in statistics and data analysis, so the $tanh operator can also be used in data analysis and data mining.


Suppose we have a collection of student information, which includes the name and score of each student. We can use the $tanh operator to calculate the hyperbolic tangent value of each student’s score and store the result in a new field. Here is an example:

    $project: {
      name: 1,
      score: 1,
      tanhScore: { $tanh: "$score" }

The above aggregation pipeline operation will return a new document that includes the name, score, and hyperbolic tangent value of each student.


The $tanh operator is a commonly used mathematical operator in MongoDB that can calculate the hyperbolic tangent value of a given numerical expression. It can be used in aggregation pipeline operations and in the fields of data analysis and data mining.