Introduction to MongoDB $toObjectId Operator

$toObjectId is a built-in operator in MongoDB used to convert a string to an ObjectId. It can be used for projection, filtering, and other operations in aggregation pipelines.


The syntax for the $toObjectId operator is as follows:

{ $toObjectId: <expression> }

Where <expression> is a string expression, which can be any expression, but is usually a field name.

Use Cases

In MongoDB, the _id field is typically stored as an ObjectId type, and in MongoDB query operations, documents can be searched by the _id field. Therefore, in some scenarios, we need to convert a string field to an ObjectId type for querying or sorting.


Here are two examples of the $toObjectId operator:

Example 1

Suppose we have a users collection, where each document contains an _id field storing a UUID as a string type, and we want to convert the _id field to an ObjectId type for querying or sorting.

Create the users collection and insert two documents:

  { _id: "5cfc7b8e37ab39164c1d33a1", name: "Alice" },
  { _id: "5cfc7b8e37ab39164c1d33a2", name: "Bob" }

Use the $toObjectId operator to convert the _id field to an ObjectId type:

    $project: {
      _id: { $toObjectId: "$_id" },
      name: 1

In the above code, we use the $project operator to convert the _id field to an ObjectId type.

The output is as follows:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cfc7b8e37ab39164c1d33a1"), "name" : "Alice" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5cfc7b8e37ab39164c1d33a2"), "name" : "Bob" }

Example 2

Suppose we have an orders collection, where each document contains an orderDate field storing a date as a string type, and we want to sort the data by date.

Create the orders collection and insert two documents:

  { orderDate: "2022-03-03", amount: 100 },
  { orderDate: "2022-03-01", amount: 200 }

Use the $toObjectId operator to convert the orderDate field to an ObjectId type:

    $project: {
      orderDate: { $toDate: "$orderDate" },
      amount: 1
    $sort: {
      orderDate: 1

In the above code, we use the $project operator to convert the orderDate field to a date type, then use the $sort operator to sort the data by orderDate in ascending order, and finally use the $project operator again to convert orderDate back to a string type.

It should be noted that the $dateToString operator is used in the $project operator to convert the date type orderDate field to a string type and specify the output format. In this example, we used the format of “YYYY-MM-DD”. If other output formats are needed, please refer to the relevant content in the MongoDB official documentation.


Through this article, we have learned about the syntax, usage scenarios, examples, and conclusions of the $toObjectId operator in MongoDB. The $toObjectId operator can convert the specified string into an ObjectId type, which is commonly used in scenarios where ObjectId needs to be used in a query statement. In the examples, we demonstrated the application of the $toObjectId operator in queries and provided two complete examples to help readers better understand. In practical applications, the $toObjectId operator is a very useful tool when querying operations need to use ObjectId types.