Introduction to MongoDB $toString Operator

In MongoDB, the $toString operator is used to convert any type of data to a string type. The $toString operator can be used in the $project stage of the aggregation pipeline, as well as in the $match and $lookup stages of queries.


The syntax for $toString is as follows:

{ $toString: <expression> }

Here, <expression> is any MongoDB expression, which can be a document field, a constant, or another expression.

Use Cases

The $toString operator can be used to convert any type of data to a string type. For example, in the aggregation pipeline, when it is necessary to convert numerical types, date types, Boolean types, etc. to a string type for processing, the $toString operator can be used.


Here are two examples of using the $toString operator:

Example 1

Assume we have the following document collection:

{ "_id": 1, "name": "Alice", "age": 20, "gender": "F" }
{ "_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 25, "gender": "M" }
{ "_id": 3, "name": "Charlie", "age": 30, "gender": "M" }

Now, we need to concatenate the age field and the gender field into a string type field and perform string matching. We can use the $toString operator to convert the age and gender fields to a string type, then use the $concat operator to concatenate them into a string type field, and finally use the $match operator to perform string matching. The code for this example is as follows:

    $project: {
      name: 1,
      age: 1,
      gender: 1,
      age_gender: {
        $concat: [{ $toString: "$age" }, "-", "$gender"]
    $match: {
      age_gender: /^2/

In the example above, we use the $project operator to concatenate the age and gender fields into an age_gender field and convert the age and gender fields to a string type. Then we use the $match operator to perform string matching and filter out documents where the age_gender field starts with 2.

Example 2

Assume we have the following document collection:

{ "_id": 1, "price": 10.5 }
{ "_id": 2, "price": 20.5 }
{ "_id": 3, "price": 30.5 }

Now, we need to convert the price field to a string type and add the $ unit to the string type price field. We can use the $toString operator to convert the price field to a string type, then use the $concat operator to concatenate them into a string type field. The code for this example is as follows:

    $project: {
      price: 1,
      price_str: {
        $concat: ["$", { $toString: "$price" }]

In the example above, we use the $project operator to concatenate the price field into a string type field and add the $ unit to the string type price field.

In addition to string concatenation and regular expression matching, $toString can also be used to convert other data types to string type. For example, to convert an integer type to a string type, the sample code is as follows:

    $project: {
      score: 90,
      scoreString: { $toString: "$score" }

After running the above aggregation pipeline, the output result is as follows:

{ "_id": ObjectId("617a980f3c3c3d3b05647a85"), "score": 90, "scoreString": "90" }

In the above example, we use the $toString operator to convert the integer type score field to a string type and store it in the scoreString field.


The $toString operator can convert other data types to string type and can be used in scenarios such as string concatenation and regular expression matching. When using the $toString operator, it is important to consider the compatibility of the data types to ensure that the resulting conversion meets expectations.