In MySQL, the JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() function appends a value to a array in a JSON document, specified by a path, and returns the modified JSON document.


Here is the syntax of the MySQL JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() function:

JSON_ARRAY_APPEND(json, path, value[, path2, value2] ...)


Required. The JSON document that will be modified.
Required. The path expression that points to an array. A valid path expression cannot contain * or **.
Required. The value to be appended to an array specified by the path.

Return value

The JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() function is used to modify the JSON document. It appends an element to the specified array and returns the modified JSON document.

  • If the node indicated by the path expression is not an array, the JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() function will use the value of this node as the first element of the array and append the value to the end of the array.
  • This function will return NULL if the JSON document or path is NULL.

There will happen an error in the following cases:

  • MySQL will give an error if the parameter json is not a valid JSON document. You can use JSON_VALID() to verify the JSON document.
  • If the parameter path is not a valid path expression or contains * or **, MySQL will give an error.


Here are some examples of JSON_ARRAY_APPEND().

Append a value to an array

SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, 2, 3]', '$', 4);
| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, 2, 3]', '$', 4) |
| [1, 2, 3, 4]                           |

Here, the path expression $ represents the JSON document [1, 2, 3].

Append a value to an nested array

SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, [2, 3]]', '$[1]', 4);
| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, [2, 3]]', '$[1]', 4) |
| [1, [2, 3, 4]]                              |

Here, the path expression $[1] represents the second element of the array [1, [2, 3]], that is [2, 3].

Append a value to an array in an object

SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('{"name": "Tim", "hobby": ["car"]}', '$.hobby', "food");
| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('{"name": "Tim", "hobby": ["car"]}', '$.hobby', "food") |
| {"name": "Tim", "hobby": ["car", "food"]}                                 |

Here, the path expression $.hobby represents the member of the JSON object, that is "hobby": ["car"]. So, the value "food" was appended to ["car"].

Append a value to non-array

| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('1', '$', 2) |
| [1, 2]                         |

Here, the path expression $ represents 1 that is not a JSON array. So JSON_ARRAY_APPEND() wrapped 1 to an array [1]. Then, append 2 to [1] and the array is [1, 2].

You can also append values to non-array elements in an array, for example:

SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, 2]', '$[1]', 3);
| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('[1, 2]', '$[1]', 3) |
| [1, [2, 3]]                            |

You can also append values to non-array members in an object, for example:

SELECT JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('{"name": "Tim", "hobby": "car"}', '$.hobby', "food");
| JSON_ARRAY_APPEND('{"name": "Tim", "hobby": "car"}', '$.hobby', "food") |
| {"name": "Tim", "hobby": ["car", "food"]}                               |