Introduction to MySQL MEDIUMTEXT Data Type

MySQL MEDIUMTEXT is a data type used to store medium-length text data. It can store text strings with a maximum length of 16,777,215 characters.


In MySQL, the MEDIUMTEXT data type defines a column that can store text strings with a maximum length of 16,777,215 characters. Here’s an example of creating a table with a MEDIUMTEXT data type:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
  column_name MEDIUMTEXT

Use Cases

MEDIUMTEXT data type is commonly used for scenarios that require storing a large amount of text data, such as blog posts, comments, email bodies, and more. Compared to the VARCHAR type, MEDIUMTEXT type can store longer strings, but it also occupies more storage space. If the text length exceeds the maximum length that VARCHAR type can store, MEDIUMTEXT type can be chosen.


Example 1

Suppose we need to store the content of some blog posts, we can use MEDIUMTEXT type to store this text data. Here’s an example of creating a table for blog posts:

CREATE TABLE blog_posts (
  title VARCHAR(255),
  content MEDIUMTEXT,

Now, we can insert some example data into the blog_posts table:

INSERT INTO blog_posts (title, content)
VALUES ('My First Blog Post', 'Hello, World! This is my first blog post.');
INSERT INTO blog_posts (title, content)
VALUES ('My Second Blog Post', 'This is my second blog post, and I am writing about MySQL.');

Example 2

Another example is storing the body of some emails. Suppose we need to store a table of emails that includes the bodies of a large number of emails, we can use MEDIUMTEXT type to store this text data. Here’s an example of creating a table for emails:

  sender VARCHAR(255),
  receiver VARCHAR(255),
  subject VARCHAR(255),
  content MEDIUMTEXT,

Now, we can insert some example data into the emails table:

INSERT INTO emails (sender, receiver, subject, content)
VALUES ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'Hello, Bob!', 'Hey Bob, how are you doing? I hope this email finds you well.');
INSERT INTO emails (sender, receiver, subject, content)
VALUES ('[email protected]', '[email protected]', 'RE: Hello, Bob!', 'Hi Alice, I am doing well. Thanks for asking. What can I do for you?');


MEDIUMTEXT data type is a MySQL data type used for storing medium-length text data, with a maximum length of 16,777,215 characters. It is commonly used for storing a large amount of text data such as long articles, blogs, news content, etc. Unlike VARCHAR and TEXT types, MEDIUMTEXT type can store more characters, but it also requires more storage space. Therefore, when choosing to use MEDIUMTEXT type, it is necessary to balance between storage space and data length.

When using MEDIUMTEXT type, the following points should be noted:

  1. The MEDIUMTEXT data type can only store plain text data and cannot store binary data such as images, videos, etc.
  2. Sorting and comparing MEDIUMTEXT data requires more time and resources due to the larger amount of data it stores.
  3. If you need to store text data that exceeds 16,777,215 characters, you may consider using the LONGTEXT data type.

In conclusion, the MEDIUMTEXT data type is an important data type in MySQL that can meet the storage needs of medium-length text data. In practical applications, it is important to choose the appropriate data type based on the actual situation to ensure data storage efficiency and accuracy of data length.