In MySQL, The REGEXP_SUBSTR() function extracts a substring from a string that matches the specified regular expression and returns it.

By default, The REGEXP_SUBSTR() function performs case-insensitive matching.


Here is the syntax of MySQL REGEXP_SUBSTR() function:

REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, regexp)
REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, regexp, position)
REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, regexp, position, occurrence)
REGEXP_SUBSTR(str, regexp, position, occurrence, mode)


Required. The string to get the substring from.
Required. The regular expression to which a substring to be matched.
Optional. The starting position to start the search. The default is 1.
Optional. It indicates which occurrence of a match to search for. The default is 1.
Optional. The match mode. It indicates how to perform matching.

mode can be one or more values in the followings:

  • c: Case-sensitive
  • i: Case-insensitive
  • m: Multi-line match pattern
  • n: The dot . can match end of line
  • u: Unix line endings only

If there are conflicting options in mode, the rightmost one takes precedence.

Return value

The REGEXP_SUBSTR() function extracts a substring from the string str that matches the specified regular expression regexp and returns it. If there is no match, return NULL.

if str or regexp is NULL, this function will return NULL.


The following statement is used to get the first substring that has only numbers in the string '123 abc 456 def'.

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('123 abc 456 def', '\\d+');
| REGEXP_SUBSTR('123 abc 456 def', '\\d+') |
| 123                                      |

If you want to get the second substring that has only numbers in the string '123 abc 456 def', use the following statement:

SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('123 abc 456 def', '\\d+', 1, 2);
| REGEXP_SUBSTR('123 abc 456 def', '\\d+', 1, 2) |
| 456                                            |