Introduction to MySQL TINYTEXT Data Type

The MySQL TINYTEXT data type is a data type used to store short text, with a maximum limit of 255 characters. It is smaller than the TEXT data type and is commonly used for storing short strings such as status identifiers, error codes, or brief descriptions.


The syntax for the TINYTEXT data type is as follows:


Use Cases

The TINYTEXT data type is commonly used in the following scenarios:

  • Storing status identifiers, error codes, and other short strings.
  • Storing short descriptions or comments.
  • Storing small strings such as email addresses and usernames.


Here are two examples of using the TINYTEXT data type:

  username VARCHAR(50),
  email TINYTEXT

INSERT INTO users (id, username, email) VALUES
(1, 'john', '[email protected]'),
(2, 'jane', '[email protected]');

The above example creates a table called users with columns for id, username, and email. The email column uses the TINYTEXT data type to store email addresses.

Now, we can retrieve data from the users table:

SELECT * FROM users;

The result will be as follows:

| id | username | email             |
| 1  | john     | [email protected]  |
| 2  | jane     | [email protected]  |


The TINYTEXT data type is a data type used to store short text, with a maximum limit of 255 characters. It is smaller than the TEXT data type and is commonly used for storing short strings such as status identifiers, error codes, or brief descriptions. If you need to store larger text data, consider using the TEXT or LONGTEXT data types.