PostgreSQL jsonb_populate_recordset() Function

The PostgreSQL jsonb_populate_recordset() function converts the specified top-level JSONB array to a set of specified SQL-typed values.

jsonb_populate_recordset() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL jsonb_populate_recordset() function:

jsonb_populate_recordset(base ANYELEMENT, from_json JSONB) -> SETOF ANYELEMENT



Required. A value of any data type. It indicates the type of value the JSONB object is to be converted to.


Required. The JSONB array to be converted, the elements of which are JSONB objects.

Return value

The PostgreSQL jsonb_populate_recordset() function returns a set of custom SQL-typed values ​​converted from the specified JSONB array. Each JSONB object in the JSONB array is converted into a value of a SQL type according to the jsonb_populate_record() function.

We can use to CREATE TYPE create a custom type that defines the columns to output and the type of each column.

jsonb_populate_recordset() Examples

This example shows how to use the PostgreSQL jsonb_populate_recordset() function to convert a JSONB array to a value of a custom SQL type.

First, let’s create a custom SQL type:

CREATE TYPE my_type as (x TEXT, y INT, z TEXT);

Here, we create a custom type my_type with 3 columns x, y, and z.

Then, let’s convert the JSONB array to a my_type value:

    '[{"x": "A", "y": 1}, {"x": "B", "y": 2}]'
 x | y | z
 A | 1 |
 B | 2 |

Here, since the column z has no matching field in the JSONB object, the value in the column z is NULL. If you want to specidy a value for column z, you can use a non-null base parameter:

    ('x', 0, 'z')::my_type,
    '[{"x": "A", "y": 1}, {"x": "B", "y": 2}]'
 x | y | z
 A | 1 | z
 B | 2 | z

Here, since the parameter base is not null and the column z has no matching field in the JSONB object, the value of the column z in base is populated into the output z column .