Introduction to PostgreSQL lseg Data Type

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that supports various data types, including the lseg data type. The lseg type represents a line segment in a two-dimensional plane, including the coordinates of its start and end points. In PostgreSQL, the lseg data type can be used for storing and querying spatial data.


To create a column with the lseg data type in PostgreSQL, you need to use the lseg keyword. Here’s an example SQL statement for creating a column with the lseg data type:

CREATE TABLE example_table (
    lseg_column LSEG

Use Cases

The lseg data type has wide applications in PostgreSQL, including:

  1. Storing spatial data: The lseg data type can store spatial data such as roads, boundaries, and other features on a map.

  2. Geometry calculations: Using the postgis extension in PostgreSQL, you can perform various geometry calculations on lseg data type, such as calculating intersection points of two line segments, calculating the length of a line segment, and more.

  3. Data analysis: The lseg data type can be used for data visualization and spatial data analysis.


Here are two complete examples that demonstrate how to create an lseg column and perform spatial data queries in PostgreSQL:

  1. Creating an lseg column

    CREATE TABLE example_table (
        lseg_column LSEG
    INSERT INTO example_table (lseg_column)
    VALUES ('[(1, 1), (2, 2)]');
  2. Performing spatial data query

    SELECT ST_AsText(lseg_column) AS lseg, ST_Length(lseg_column) AS length
    FROM example_table;


            lseg         |    length
     LINESTRING(1 1,2 2) | 1.4142135624


The lseg data type is one of the useful data types in PostgreSQL for storing and processing spatial data, and it can be used for various geometry calculations and data analysis with the postgis extension. When using the lseg data type, pay attention to its syntax and querying methods to fully leverage its advantages.