PostgreSQL position() Function

The PostgreSQL position() function returns the starting index of a specified substring within a specified string.

The position() function is the same as a strpos() function, but the order of the arguments is different.

position() Syntax

This is the syntax of the PostgreSQL position() function:

position(substring IN string)

position(substring IN string) is equivalent to strpos(string, substring).



Required. The substring to search for.


Required. The string to search within.

Return value

The PostgreSQL position() function returns the starting index of the substring substring within the string string. This function returns 0 if the substring substring is not present in the string string.

If the parameter is NULL, the function will return NULL.

position() Examples

This example shows how to use the position() function to get the starting index of a substring in a string.

SELECT position('world' IN 'hello world');