How to format numbers in MariaDB

This article discusses ways to format numbers in MariaDB.

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In MariaDB, if you want formatted some numbers, use the built-in function FORMAT().

The FORMAT() function formats a number according to the given decimal places and locale. It takes 3 parameters, the first parameter is the number to format, the second parameter is the number of decimal places to keep, and the third parameter is optional, allowing you to pass in a locale value. It includes thousands and decimal separators where appropriate, and rounds the result to the specified number of decimal places.


This example show you how to format 1234.56789 to 4 decimal places:

SELECT FORMAT(1234.56789, 4);


| FORMAT(1234.56789, 4) |
| 1,234.5679            |

You can specify any decimal places, and the output will be filled with 0 at the back according to the situation, as follows:

  FORMAT(1234.56, 0),
  FORMAT(1234.56, 3),
  FORMAT(1234.56, 5);


| FORMAT(1234.56, 0) | FORMAT(1234.56, 3) | FORMAT(1234.56, 5) |
| 1,235              | 1,234.560          | 1,234.56000        |


FORMAT() allows you to pass in a locale in the third parameter so that the output conforms to the local format.

The following example demonstrates these:

    FORMAT(12345.678, 2, 'de_DE') AS "de_DE",
    FORMAT(12345.678, 2, 'zh_CN') AS "zh_CN";


| de_DE     | zh_CN     |
| 12.345,68 | 12,345.68 |

To see all locale locale codes supported by MariaDB, refer to the tutorial: Showing All Locales in MariaDB.


In MariaDB, the FORMAT() function can help you format numbers.