How the EXTRACTVALUE() function works in Mariadb?

The EXTRACTVALUE() function is an XML function that extracts a value from an XML document using an XPath expression.

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The EXTRACTVALUE() function is an XML function that extracts a value from an XML document using an XPath expression. XPath is a language that can navigate and query XML documents. The EXTRACTVALUE() function can be used to parse and extract data from XML documents stored in a table or a variable.


The syntax of the EXTRACTVALUE() function is as follows:

EXTRACTVALUE(xml, xpath)

The function takes two arguments: the xml and the xpath. The xml is a string value that contains a valid XML document. The xpath is a string value that contains a valid XPath expression. The function returns a string value that represents the extracted value from the XML document. If the xml or the xpath is invalid, the function returns NULL.

The xpath expression can use any of the XPath 1.0 syntax and functions, except for those that return a node set. The function only returns the text value of the first node that matches the xpath expression. If the xpath expression matches more than one node, the function returns a warning. If the xpath expression does not match any node, the function returns an empty string.


Example 1: Extract the title from an XML document

In this example, we use the EXTRACTVALUE() function to extract the title from an XML document that contains a book information. We use the @ symbol to indicate an attribute in the xpath expression.

SET @xml = '<book id="1">
  <title>Database Systems</title>
  <author>Thomas Connolly</author>

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/book/@id') AS Book_ID,
       EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/book/title') AS Book_Title;

The output is:

| Book_ID | Book_Title       |
| 1       | Database Systems |

The function returns the book id and the book title from the XML document.

Example 2: Extract the names from an XML document

In this example, we use the EXTRACTVALUE() function to extract the names from an XML document that contains a list of students. We use the // symbol to indicate any descendant node in the xpath expression.

SET @xml = '<students>
    <major>Computer Science</major>

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '//name') AS Student_Name;

The output is:

| Student_Name      |
| Alice Bob Charlie |

The function returns the names of the students that matches the xpath expression.

Example 3: Extract the price from an XML document

In this example, we use the EXTRACTVALUE() function to extract the price from an XML document that contains a product information. We use the * symbol to indicate any child node in the xpath expression.

SET @xml = '<product>
  <name>iPhone 12</name>
  <price currency="USD">799</price>

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/product/price') AS Price,
       EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/product/price/@currency') AS Currency;

The output is:

| Price | Currency |
| 799   | USD      |

The function returns the price and the currency from the XML document.

Example 4: Extract the text from an XML document

In this example, we use the EXTRACTVALUE() function to extract the text from an XML document that contains a comment. We use the text() function to indicate the text node in the xpath expression.

SET @xml = '<comment>
  This is a <b>bold</b> comment.

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/comment/text()') AS Comment_Text;

The output is:

| Comment_Text             |
  This is a   comment.

The function returns the text from the XML document, but only the text before the <b> tag. The text after the <b> tag is ignored, because it is not part of the first text node.

Example 5: Extract the value from an invalid XML document

In this example, we use the EXTRACTVALUE() function to extract the value from an invalid XML document that contains a malformed tag. We use a valid xpath expression, but the function returns NULL, because the xml argument is invalid.

SET @xml = '<product>
  <name>iPhone 12</name>
  <price currency="USD">799</price

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(@xml, '/product/price') AS Price;

The output is:

| Price |
| NULL  |

The function returns NULL, because the xml argument is invalid. The <price> tag is not closed properly.

There are some other XML functions that are related to the EXTRACTVALUE() function. Here are some of them:

  • UPDATEXML(xml, xpath, new_xml): This function updates a part of an XML document using an XPath expression and a new XML value. The function returns a string value that represents the updated XML document. If the xml, the xpath, or the new_xml is invalid, the function returns NULL.


The EXTRACTVALUE() function is a useful XML function that can extract a value from an XML document using an XPath expression. The function takes two arguments: the xml and the xpath. The xml is a string value that contains a valid XML document. The xpath is a string value that contains a valid XPath expression. The function returns a string value that represents the extracted value from the XML document, or NULL if the xml or the xpath is invalid. The function only returns the text value of the first node that matches the xpath expression. If the xpath expression matches more than one node, the function returns a warning. If the xpath expression does not match any node, the function returns an empty string. The function supports various XPath 1.0 syntax and functions, except for those that return a node set. There are some other XML functions that are related to the EXTRACTVALUE() function, such as UPDATEXML(), XMLQUERY(), and XMLTABLE(). These functions can help us manipulate and query XML documents.