How the IS_FREE_LOCK() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_FREE_LOCK() function is a miscellaneous function that tests whether a named lock is free or not.

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The MariaDB IS_FREE_LOCK() function is used to check if a named lock is free or in use. It is particularly useful in scenarios where multiple processes need to coordinate access to a shared resource.


The syntax for the MariaDB IS_FREE_LOCK() function is as follows:

  • lock_name is the name of the lock to check.

The function returns 1 if the lock is free, 0 if the lock is in use, and NULL if an error occurs (such as an incorrect lock name).


Example 1: Checking a Free Lock

This example shows how to check if a lock named ‘mylock’ is free.


The output for this statement is:

| IS_FREE_LOCK('mylock') |
|                      1 |

This result indicates that the lock ‘mylock’ is free.

Example 2: Checking an In-Use Lock

Demonstrating the check for a lock that is currently in use.

SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('anotherlock');

The output for this statement is:

| IS_FREE_LOCK('anotherlock') |
|                           0 |

Since ‘anotherlock’ is in use, the function returns 0.

Example 3: Using IS_FREE_LOCK() with Conditional Logic

Using IS_FREE_LOCK() in a conditional statement to perform an action based on the lock status.

SELECT IF(IS_FREE_LOCK('mylock') = 1, 'Lock is free', 'Lock is in use');

The output for this statement is:

| IF(IS_FREE_LOCK('mylock') = 1, 'Lock is free', 'Lock is in use') |
| Lock is free                                                     |

This conditional logic checks the lock status and returns a message accordingly.

Example 4: Checking Multiple Locks

Checking the status of multiple locks in a single query.

SELECT IS_FREE_LOCK('lock1'), IS_FREE_LOCK('lock2'), IS_FREE_LOCK('lock3');

The output for this statement is:

| IS_FREE_LOCK('lock1') | IS_FREE_LOCK('lock2') | IS_FREE_LOCK('lock3') |
|                     1 |                     0 |                     1 |

This result shows the status of three different locks.

Below are a few functions related to the MariaDB IS_FREE_LOCK() function:

  • MariaDB GET_LOCK() function is used to acquire a named lock.
  • MariaDB RELEASE_LOCK() function is used to release a named lock.
  • MariaDB IS_USED_LOCK() function is used to check if a named lock is in use and return the connection identifier of the client that holds the lock.


The IS_FREE_LOCK() function in MariaDB is a simple yet powerful tool for managing named locks within the database. It enables applications to check lock status and ensure that resources are accessed in a controlled manner, preventing conflicts and ensuring data integrity. Understanding how to use this function, along with its related functions, is essential for implementing effective concurrency control in database applications.