How the IS_USED_LOCK() function works in Mariadb?

In this article, we will introduce the IS_USED_LOCK() function in Mariadb, which is a locking function that checks whether a named user-level lock is in use or not.

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The MariaDB IS_USED_LOCK() function is used to check if a named lock is currently being used and to identify which session holds it. This function is particularly useful in scenarios where understanding lock engagement is crucial for maintaining database integrity and performance.


MariaDB IS_USED_LOCK() function’s syntax is as follows:

  • lock_name is the name of the lock to check.

The function returns the connection identifier of the session that holds the lock if it is in use, otherwise, it returns NULL.


Example 1: Checking a Used Lock

This example demonstrates how to check which session holds a lock named ‘mylock’.


The output for this statement is:


This result indicates that the lock ‘mylock’ is currently being held by the session with the identifier 42.

Example 2: Checking an Unused Lock

Illustrating the behavior when checking a lock that is not currently in use.

SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('unused_lock');

The output for this statement is:


Since ‘unused_lock’ is not in use, the function returns NULL.

Example 3: Invalid Lock Name

Showing the result when checking a lock with an invalid name.

SELECT IS_USED_LOCK('invalid_lock_name');

The output for this statement is:


The function returns NULL due to the invalid lock name.

Below are a few functions related to the MariaDB IS_USED_LOCK() function:

  • MariaDB GET_LOCK() function is used to acquire a named lock.
  • MariaDB RELEASE_LOCK() function is used to release a named lock.
  • MariaDB IS_FREE_LOCK() function is used to check if a named lock is free.


The IS_USED_LOCK() function in MariaDB is a valuable tool for managing named locks within the database. It provides insight into which session holds a particular lock, allowing for better concurrency control and troubleshooting of locking issues. Understanding how to use this function, along with its related functions, is essential for implementing effective resource management in database applications. Mastery of these functions can greatly enhance the efficiency and reliability of database operations involving locks.