How the RTRIM() function works in Mariadb?

The RTRIM() function is a string function that removes all trailing spaces from a string.

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The RTRIM() function is a string function that removes all trailing spaces from a string. It is a built-in function in MariaDB and can be used in any SQL statement that supports string functions.


The syntax for the RTRIM() function is as follows:


The str argument is the string from which you want to remove trailing spaces. It can be a string literal, a variable, or a column expression.


Example 1: Remove trailing spaces from a string literal

The following query removes trailing spaces from the string literal " This is a string ":

SELECT RTRIM('   This is a string   ');

The output of the query is as follows:

This is a string

Example 2: Remove trailing spaces from a variable

The following query removes trailing spaces from the variable @str:

SET @str = '   This is a string   ';

The output of the query is as follows:

This is a string

Example 3: Remove trailing spaces from a column expression

The following query removes trailing spaces from the name column in the employees table:

FROM employees;

The output of the query will be a list of all the names in the employees table, with any trailing spaces removed.

The following functions are related to the RTRIM() function:

  • The LTRIM() function removes all leading spaces from a string.
  • The TRIM() function removes all leading and trailing spaces from a string.


The RTRIM() function is a useful tool for removing trailing spaces from strings. It can be used to improve the readability of data and to make data more consistent.