How the SIN() function works in Mariadb?

The SIN() function in MariaDB is used to calculate the trigonometric sine of a given angle expressed in radians.

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The SIN() function in MariaDB is used to calculate the trigonometric sine of a given angle expressed in radians. It is a mathematical function that takes an angle as input and returns the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle.


The syntax for the MariaDB SIN() function is as follows:

  • X: The angle in radians for which the sine value is to be calculated.

The function returns a value between -1 and 1, representing the sine of the given angle.


Example 1: Calculating the sine of 0 radians


The following is the output:

| SIN(0) |
|      0 |

The sine of 0 radians is 0.

Example 2: Calculating the sine of π/2 radians


The following is the output:

| SIN(PI()/2) |
|           1 |

The sine of π/2 radians (90 degrees) is 1.

Example 3: Calculating the sine of π radians


The following is the output:

| SIN(PI())              |
| 1.2246467991473532e-16 |

The sine of π radians (180 degrees) is 0.

Example 4: Calculating the sine of -π/2 radians


The following is the output:

| SIN(-PI()/2) |
|           -1 |

The sine of -π/2 radians (-90 degrees) is -1.

Example 5: Calculating the sine of an angle in degrees


The following is the output:

| SIN(RADIANS(60))   |
| 0.8660254037844386 |

To calculate the sine of an angle in degrees, you need to first convert the angle to radians using the RADIANS() function.

The following are some functions related to the MariaDB SIN() function:

  • MariaDB COS() function is used to calculate the trigonometric cosine of a given angle in radians.
  • MariaDB TAN() function is used to calculate the trigonometric tangent of a given angle in radians.
  • MariaDB ASIN() function is used to calculate the inverse sine (arc sine) of a given value.
  • MariaDB ACOS() function is used to calculate the inverse cosine (arc cosine) of a given value.
  • MariaDB ATAN() function is used to calculate the inverse tangent (arc tangent) of a given value.


The SIN() function in MariaDB is a powerful tool for performing trigonometric calculations involving sine values. It can be used in various scenarios, such as scientific calculations, game development, and data analysis. By understanding the syntax and usage of the SIN() function, along with other related trigonometric functions, you can perform complex mathematical operations and computations within your MariaDB database.