How to Install MongoDB on FreeBSD: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database used for building scalable and high-performance applications. If you’re running FreeBSD and want to set up MongoDB, this step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the installation process.

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MongoDB is a powerful NoSQL database used for building scalable and high-performance applications. If you’re running FreeBSD and want to set up MongoDB, this step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the installation process.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • A system running FreeBSD.
  • A user account with superuser privileges.
  • An internet connection to download the MongoDB package.

Step 1: Update FreeBSD Ports Collection

The first step is to ensure that your FreeBSD Ports Collection is up to date. Open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo portsnap fetch update

This command will refresh the Ports Collection with the latest package information.

Step 2: Install MongoDB

To install MongoDB on FreeBSD, follow these steps:

2.1 Use the Ports System

The FreeBSD Ports System is an effective way to compile and install software. To install MongoDB, navigate to the Ports directory for databases/mongodb:

cd /usr/ports/databases/mongodb

2.2 Build and Install MongoDB

Build and install MongoDB using the following commands:

sudo make install clean

This will compile and install MongoDB along with its dependencies.

2.3 Enable and Start MongoDB

After installation, enable MongoDB to start at boot and start the service using these commands:

sudo sysrc mongod_enable=YES
sudo service mongod start

Step 3: Verify MongoDB Installation

To verify that MongoDB has been successfully installed and is running, you can check its status:

sudo service mongod status

If MongoDB is running correctly, you’ll see the status as “mongod is running as pid [process ID].”

Step 4: Access the MongoDB Shell

You can access the MongoDB shell to interact with the database. Simply open a terminal and run:


This will open the MongoDB shell, and you can start working with your MongoDB instance.


You have successfully installed MongoDB on your FreeBSD system. MongoDB is a versatile and scalable NoSQL database that can power your applications. You can now start creating databases, collections, and documents and use MongoDB for your projects. If you encounter any issues or want to learn more about MongoDB, refer to the official MongoDB documentation for detailed information. Enjoy using MongoDB on your FreeBSD system!