A Beginner's Guide to Using SQL Server in a JavaScript/Node.js Application

In this guide, we will explore the basics of using SQL Server in a JavaScript/Node.js application, including installation, setup, and common database operations.

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SQL Server is a powerful, enterprise-level relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. Integrating SQL Server with a JavaScript/Node.js application can provide robust data storage and management capabilities. In this guide, we will explore the basics of using SQL Server in a JavaScript/Node.js application, including installation, setup, and common database operations.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  1. Node.js: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system. You can download it from nodejs.org.

  2. SQL Server: Install SQL Server if you haven’t already. You can download the Express edition, which is a free version of SQL Server, from the Microsoft SQL Server Downloads page.

  3. SQL Server Node.js Library: You’ll need a Node.js library to interact with SQL Server. One commonly used library is mssql. Install it using npm:

    npm install mssql

Connecting to SQL Server

To start using SQL Server in your JavaScript/Node.js application, you need to establish a connection to the database. Here’s how you can do it:

const sql = require("mssql")

// Configure the connection
const config = {
  user: "your_username",
  password: "your_password",
  server: "localhost",
  database: "your_database_name",
  options: {
    enableArithAbort: true // Required option for Node.js applications

// Establish a connection to the database
sql.connect(config, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error("Error connecting to SQL Server:", err)

  console.log("Connected to SQL Server!")

  // Perform database operations here

  // Close the connection when done

Replace the user, password, server, and database in the config object with your specific SQL Server credentials and connection details.

Performing Basic Database Operations

SQL Server allows you to perform various database operations, including creating tables, querying, inserting, updating, and deleting data. Let’s look at some examples:

Creating a Table

// Introduction: Creating a 'users' table.
const db = new sql.ConnectionPool(config)

  .then((pool) => {
    return pool.request().query(`
    CREATE TABLE users (
      username NVARCHAR(255),
      email NVARCHAR(255)
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Table created successfully!")

    // Close the connection when done
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Error creating table:", err)

This code creates a new table named ‘users’ with three columns: ‘id,’ ‘username,’ and ’email.’

Inserting Data

// Introduction: Adding a new user to the 'users' table.
const db = new sql.ConnectionPool(config)

  .then((pool) => {
    return pool
      .input("username", sql.NVarChar, "john_doe")
      .input("email", sql.NVarChar, "[email protected]")
      .query("INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES (@username, @email)")
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Data inserted successfully!")

    // Close the connection when done
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Error inserting data:", err)

After executing this code, a new user record will be added to the ‘users’ table.

Querying Data

// Introduction: Fetching data from the 'users' table.
const db = new sql.ConnectionPool(config)

  .then((pool) => {
    return pool.request().query("SELECT * FROM users")
  .then((result) => {
    console.log("Query results:", result.recordset)

    // Close the connection when done
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Error querying data:", err)

Running this code retrieves all records from the ‘users’ table and logs the results.

Updating Data

// Introduction: Updating a user's email in the 'users' table.
const db = new sql.ConnectionPool(config)

  .then((pool) => {
    return pool
      .input("newEmail", sql.NVarChar, "[email protected]")
      .input("username", sql.NVarChar, "john_doe")
      .query("UPDATE users SET email = @newEmail WHERE username = @username")
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Data updated successfully!")

    // Close the connection when done
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Error updating data:", err)

Using the UPDATE query, you can modify specific fields within an existing record.

Deleting Data

// Introduction: Deleting a user record from the 'users' table.
const db = new sql.ConnectionPool(config)

  .then((pool) => {
    return pool
      .input("username", sql.NVarChar, "john_doe")

      .query("DELETE FROM users WHERE username = @username")
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Data deleted successfully!")

    // Close the connection when done
  .catch((err) => {
    console.error("Error deleting data:", err)

The DELETE FROM query removes a specific user record from the ‘users’ table.

Handling Errors

Effective error handling is crucial in any production application, especially when interacting with databases. Be sure to handle errors gracefully to maintain the stability and reliability of your Node.js application.


SQL Server is a robust RDBMS that is widely used in enterprise-level applications. In this guide, we covered the basics of using SQL Server in a JavaScript/Node.js application, from setting up the connection to performing common database operations. As you become more proficient with SQL Server, you can explore its advanced features and optimizations to build robust and scalable applications. With SQL Server and Node.js, you have a powerful combination for developing data-driven web and mobile applications in an enterprise context.