How to use the MySQL CRC32() function

The CRC32() function in MySQL calculates the cyclic redundancy check value of a string. It can be used to generate a checksum value for data validation purposes.

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The CRC32() function in MySQL calculates the cyclic redundancy check value of a string. It can be used to generate a checksum value for data validation purposes.


The syntax for CRC32() is:


Where string is the input string to calculate CRC32 checksum for.


  1. Get CRC32 checksum of a string:

    SELECT CRC32('MySQL Tutorial');

    This returns a checksum value of 3259397556.

  2. Calculate CRC32 for a numeric string:

    SELECT CRC32('2534638');

    This returns 3888210770.

  3. Get CRC32 checksum for a string with spaces:

    SELECT CRC32('CRC32 Examples');

    This returns 966258668.

  4. Calculate CRC32 checksum for a longer string:

    SELECT CRC32('This is an example string to demonstrate CRC32');

    This returns 1093078499.

  5. Generate CRC32 checksum from concatenating strings:

    SELECT CRC32(CONCAT('Hello ', 'World'));

    This returns 2338997927.

Other Similar Functions

Other checksum functions in MySQL:

  • MD5() - Calculate MD5 checksum
  • SHA1() - Calculate SHA1 checksum
  • SHA2() - Calculate SHA2 checksum
  • CHECKSUM() - Calculate live checksum

So CRC32() provides a way to easily generate a cyclic redundancy checksum for data validation in MySQL.