How to use the MySQL DATEDIFF() function

The DATEDIFF() function in MySQL is used to calculate the difference between two dates in terms of a specified unit like days, weeks, months etc.

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The DATEDIFF() function in MySQL is used to calculate the difference between two dates in terms of a specified unit like days, weeks, months etc.


The syntax for DATEDIFF() is:

DATEDIFF(date1, date2, unit)


  • date1 and date2 are the dates to calculate difference between
  • unit is the unit of difference, like ‘DAY’, ‘WEEK’, ‘MONTH’ etc.


  1. Get difference in days between two dates:

    SELECT DATEDIFF('2023-01-20', '2023-01-05', 'DAY');

    Returns a difference of 15 days.

  2. Calculate weeks between two dates:

    SELECT DATEDIFF('2023-02-20', '2023-01-28', 'WEEK');

    Returns a difference of 3 weeks.

  3. Get months difference between two dates:

    SELECT DATEDIFF('2023-05-05', '2023-02-15', 'MONTH');

    Returns a difference of 2 months.

  4. Calculate years difference between two dates:

    SELECT DATEDIFF('2025-07-28', '2023-03-05', 'YEAR');

    Returns a difference of 2 years.

  5. Get difference by day name:

    SELECT DATEDIFF('2023-01-15', '2023-01-08', 'DAYOFYEAR');

    Returns a difference of 7 days.

Other Similar Functions

  • TIMEDIFF() - Time difference between two times
  • TIMESTAMPDIFF() - Difference between timestamps
  • TO_DAYS() - Convert date to days
  • LAST_DAY() - Last day of month for a date

So DATEDIFF() provides a convenient way to calculate the difference between two dates in MySQL.