How to use the MySQL FORMAT() function

The FORMAT() function in MySQL allows you to format a number to a specific format. It is useful for formatting numbers for display purposes.

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The FORMAT() function in MySQL allows you to format a number to a specific format. It is useful for formatting numbers for display purposes.


The basic syntax of FORMAT() is:



  • number is the number to be formatted.
  • decimals is the number of decimal places to display.


Here are some examples of using FORMAT() in MySQL:

  1. Format a number to 2 decimal places:

    SELECT FORMAT(123.456, 2);
    // Output: 123.46
  2. Format a number to 0 decimal places (round to integer):

    SELECT FORMAT(123.456, 0);
    // Output: 123
  3. Format a number to 3 decimal places:

    SELECT FORMAT(123.456789, 3);
    // Output: 123.457
  4. Format a negative number to 1 decimal place:

    SELECT FORMAT(-123.456, 1);
    // Output: -123.5
  5. Format a very large number to thousands with comma separator:

    SELECT FORMAT(12345678, 0);
    // Output: 12,345,678

Other Similar Functions

Other formatting functions in MySQL:

  • ROUND(): Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
  • TRUNCATE(): Truncates a number to a specified number of decimal places
  • FORMAT() allows more precise control over formatting and rounding.

So in summary, the FORMAT() function in MySQL provides a flexible way to format numbers for display purposes.