How to use the MySQL MAKEDATE() function

MySQL MAKEDATE() is a function that returns a date by taking a value of a year and a number of days.

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MySQL MAKEDATE() is a function that returns a date by taking a value of a year and a number of days. The number of days must be greater than 0 otherwise a NULL will be returned. This function is useful for generating dates for specific occasions or events that occur on certain days of the year.


The syntax of the function is:

MAKEDATE(year, dayofyear)

The parameters are:

  • year: The year for which you want to create a date. It must be a four-digit year.
  • dayofyear: The day of the year for which you want to create a date. It must be a positive integer from 1 to 366.


Some examples of using the function are:

  • To get the date of the third day of 2023, use:

    SELECT MAKEDATE(2023, 3);

    The result is:


    This means that the date of the third day of 2023 is January 3, 2023.

  • To get the date of the 175th day of 2023, use:

    SELECT MAKEDATE(2023, 175);

    The result is:


    This means that the date of the 175th day of 2023 is June 24, 2023.

  • To get the date of the 366th day of 2024, use:

    SELECT MAKEDATE(2024, 366);

    The result is:


    This means that the date of the 366th day of 2024 is December 31, 2024. Note that 2024 is a leap year, so it has 366 days.

  • To get the date of the 100th day of the current year, use:


    The result is:


    This means that the date of the 100th day of the current year is April 10, 2023.

  • To get the date of the last day of the current year, use:


    The result is:


    This means that the date of the last day of the current year is December 31, 2023.

Similar Functions

Some similar functions to MAKEDATE() are:

  • DATE(): This function returns the date part of a datetime expression.
  • DATE_FORMAT(): This function formats a date or datetime value according to a specified format string.
  • DAYOFYEAR(): This function returns the day of the year for a given date or datetime value, from 1 to 366.
  • LAST_DAY(): This function returns the last day of the month for a given date or datetime value.