
How the LEFT() function works in Mariadb?

The LEFT() function is a string function that returns the leftmost part of a given string, up to a specified number of characters.

How the MBRWithin() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRWithin() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the SESSION_USER() function works in Mariadb?

The SESSION_USER() function in MariaDB is used to retrieve the current user’s username and hostname associated with the current session.

How the ISNULL() function works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB ISNULL() function is used to determine if a specified expression is NULL.

How the LEAST() function works in Mariadb?

The LEAST() function is a numeric function that returns the smallest value among a list of values.

How the MBRTouches() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRTouches() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the SECOND() function works in Mariadb?

The SECOND() function in MariaDB is used to extract the seconds part from a TIME or DATETIME value.

How the IsEmpty() function works in Mariadb?

The IsEmpty() function is a spatial function that returns 1 if the geometry argument is an empty geometry collection, or 0 otherwise.

How the LCASE() function works in Mariadb?

The LCASE() function is a string function that converts all the characters in a given string to lowercase.

How the MBROverlaps() function works in Mariadb?

The MBROverlaps() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the SEC_TO_TIME() function works in Mariadb?

The SEC_TO_TIME() function in MariaDB is used to convert a value representing seconds into a TIME value.

How the IsClosed() function works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB IsClosed() function is used to determine if a given LINESTRING’s start and end points are the same.

How the LAST_VALUE() function works in Mariadb?

The LAST_VALUE() function is a window function that returns the last value of an expression within a partition or a result set.

How the MBRIntersects() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRIntersects() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the SCHEMA() function works in Mariadb?

The SCHEMA() function in MariaDB is used to retrieve the name of the current database schema or database from which it is being called.

How the IS-NULL operator works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB IS NULL operator is used to check if a value in a column or expression is NULL.

How the LAST_INSERT_ID() function works in Mariadb?

The LAST_INSERT_ID() function is a information function that returns the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT column for the last row that was inserted or updated by the current session.

How the MBREqual() function works in Mariadb?

The MBREqual() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the RTRIM() function works in Mariadb?

The RTRIM() function is a string function that removes all trailing spaces from a string.

How the IS NOT NULL operator works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB IS NOT NULL operator is used to check if a value in a column or expression is not NULL.

How the LAST_DAY() function works in Mariadb?

The LAST_DAY() function is a date and time function that returns the last day of the month for a given date.

How the MBRDisjoint() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRDisjoint() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the RPAD() function works in Mariadb?

The RPAD() function in MariaDB is a string function that pads the right side of a string with a specified number of a specified character.

How the IS_USED_LOCK() function works in Mariadb?

In this article, we will introduce the IS_USED_LOCK() function in Mariadb, which is a locking function that checks whether a named user-level lock is in use or not.

How the MBRContains() function works in Mariadb?

The MBRContains() function is a useful tool for performing spatial queries in Mariadb.

How the ROW_NUMBER() function works in Mariadb?

The ROW_NUMBER() function is a window function that assigns a sequential integer to each row within a partition of a result set.

How the DAYOFMONTH() function works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB DAYOFMONTH() function is used to extract the day of the month from a given date, returning an integer between 1 and 31.

How the GET_LOCK() function works in Mariadb?

The GET_LOCK() function is a locking function that acquires a named lock with a specified timeout.

How the IS_IPV6() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_IPV6() function is a network function that tests whether a binary value is a valid IPv6 address or not.

How the ROW_COUNT() function works in Mariadb?

The ROW_COUNT() function in MariaDB returns the number of rows affected by the previous statement.

How the DAYNAME() function works in Mariadb?

The DAYNAME() function is a convenient function in Mariadb that returns the name of the weekday for a given date or datetime value.

How the GET_FORMAT() function works in Mariadb?

The GET_FORMAT() function is a date and time function that returns a date or time format string according to a given type and locale.

How the IS_IPV4() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_IPV4() function is a network function that tests whether an IPv6 address is an IPv4 address or not.

How the ROUND() function works in Mariadb?

The ROUND() function in MariaDB is a numeric function that rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

How the DAY() function works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB DAY() function is used to extract the day of the month from a given date, returning an integer value between 1 and 31.

How the GeomFromWKB() function works in Mariadb?

The GeomFromWKB() function is a spatial function that creates a geometry object from a well-known binary (WKB) representation.

How the IS_IPV4_MAPPED() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_IPV4_MAPPED() function is a network function that tests whether an IPv6 address is mapped to an IPv4 address or not.

How the RLIKE operator works in Mariadb?

The RLIKE operator in MariaDB is used to test whether a string matches a regular expression.

How the DATEDIFF() function works in Mariadb?

The MariaDB DATEDIFF() function is used to calculate the difference in days between two dates.

How the GeomFromText() function works in Mariadb?

The GeomFromText() function is a spatial function that creates a geometry object from a well-known text (WKT) representation.

How the IS_IPV4_COMPAT() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_IPV4_COMPAT() function is a network function that tests whether an IPv6 address is compatible with an IPv4 address or not.

How the RIGHT() function works in Mariadb?

The RIGHT() function in MariaDB is a string function that returns a given number of characters from the rightmost part of a string.

How the DATE() function works in Mariadb?

The DATE() function is a built-in function in Mariadb that extracts the date part from a date or datetime value and returns it as a date value.

How the GeometryType() function works in Mariadb?

The GeometryType() function is a spatial function that returns the type of a geometry object as a string.

How the IS_FREE_LOCK() function works in Mariadb?

The IS_FREE_LOCK() function is a miscellaneous function that tests whether a named lock is free or not.

How the REVERSE() function works in Mariadb?

The REVERSE() function in MariaDB is a string function that returns the supplied string with all its characters reversed.

How the DATE_SUB() function works in Mariadb?

The DATE_SUB() function is a built-in function in Mariadb that subtracts a specified time interval from a date or datetime value and returns the result as a new date or datetime value.

How the GeometryN() function works in Mariadb?

The GeometryN() function is a spatial function that returns the N-th geometry in a geometry collection.

How the INTERVAL() function works in Mariadb?

The INTERVAL() function is a numeric function that returns the index of the interval that a given value falls into.

How the REPLACE() function works in Mariadb?