SQL Server CONCAT() Function

In SQL Server, the CONCAT() function is used to concatenate two or more strings into one string.


CONCAT(string1, string2, ...)

Parameter explanation:

  • string1, string2, …: The string values to concatenate.


The CONCAT() function is commonly used to concatenate two or more columns in a table, or to concatenate some fixed strings with columns in a table. It can also be used to concatenate multiple variables or constants to generate a string.


Example 1

Assume there is a table containing the following two columns of data:

name age
Alice 25
Bob 30

The CONCAT() function can be used to concatenate the two columns together:

SELECT CONCAT(name, ' is ', age, ' years old.') AS info
FROM myTable;

The result is:

Alice is 25 years old.
Bob is 30 years old.

Example 2

Multiple strings can be concatenated together to generate a string, for example:

DECLARE @str1 VARCHAR(20) = 'Hello';
DECLARE @str2 VARCHAR(20) = ' world';
DECLARE @str3 VARCHAR(20) = '!';
SELECT CONCAT(@str1, @str2, @str3) AS result;

The result is:

Hello world!


The CONCAT() function is used to concatenate two or more strings to generate a new string. It can be used to concatenate columns, variables, and constants in a table, among other things.