SQL Server DAY() Function

In SQL Server, the DAY() function is used to extract the day of the month from a date expression. This function returns an integer value representing the day of the month in the date expression.




  • date: Required. The date expression from which to extract the day.


The DAY() function is commonly used to query and summarize data for a specific month. For example, in a sales analysis query, the DAY() function can be used to obtain the sales for each day of the month.


The following are two examples of using the DAY() function:

Example 1

Suppose we have a sales table that contains two fields, OrderDate and Amount, with the following data:

OrderDate Amount
2022-01-01 1000
2022-01-02 2000
2022-01-05 1500
2022-02-01 3000
2022-02-02 2500
2022-02-05 1800

To query the sales for each day in January 2022, we can use the following SQL statement:

SELECT DAY(OrderDate) AS Day, SUM(Amount) AS Sales
FROM SalesTable
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = 2022 AND MONTH(OrderDate) = 1

The result is:

Day Sales
1 1000
2 2000
5 1500

This example uses the DAY() function and the SUM() function to obtain the sales for each day in January 2022.

Example 2

Suppose we have an employee table that contains two fields, EmployeeName and HireDate, with the following data:

EmployeeName HireDate
John Smith 2022-01-01
Jane Doe 2022-01-05
Bob Johnson 2022-02-01
Tom Williams 2022-02-05

To query the hire day for each employee, we can use the following SQL statement:

SELECT EmployeeName, DAY(HireDate) AS HireDay
FROM EmployeeTable

The result is:

EmployeeName HireDay
John Smith 1
Jane Doe 5
Bob Johnson 1
Tom Williams 5

This example uses the DAY() function to obtain the hire day for each employee.


The DAY() function is a commonly used date function in SQL Server that can be used to extract the day of the month from a date expression. It can be useful in querying and summarizing data, especially when dealing with time-series data.