SQL Server DENSE_RANK() Function

In SQL Server, the DENSE_RANK() function is a ranking function that assigns a rank value to each row in a query result set. Similar to the RANK() function, the DENSE_RANK() function sorts the query result set according to a specified sorting order and assigns a rank value to each row. The difference is that the DENSE_RANK() function skips duplicate rank values and does not leave gaps, even if there are rows with the same rank value. This allows the DENSE_RANK() function to generate a ranking list with continuous rank values.


The syntax of the DENSE_RANK() function is as follows:

  [ PARTITION BY partition_expression , ... [ n ] ]
  ORDER BY order_expression [ ASC | DESC ] , ... [ n ] )

The PARTITION BY clause specifies grouping conditions and the ORDER BY clause specifies sorting conditions.

Use Cases

The DENSE_RANK() function is typically used in the following scenarios:

  • Ranking a data set and retaining duplicate values while not leaving gaps
  • Finding the rank of a specific row in a given data set
  • Finding the relative rank of a specific row in a data set


Assuming the following sales table:

id name amount
1 John 1000
2 Alice 2000
3 Tom 1500
4 Jack 2000
5 Lucy 1500
6 Bob 1000

Example 1

Query the rank of each person in the sales table, and sort by sales amount in descending order:

SELECT name, amount, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY amount DESC) AS rank
FROM sales;

The query result is as follows:

name amount rank
Alice 2000 1
Jack 2000 1
Tom 1500 2
Lucy 1500 2
John 1000 3
Bob 1000 3

Example 2

Query the rank of each person in the sales table, and sort by name in ascending order:

SELECT name, amount, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY name ASC) AS rank
FROM sales;

The query result is as follows:

name amount rank
Alice 2000 1
Bob 1000 2
Jack 2000 3
John 1000 4
Lucy 1500 5
Tom 1500 6


The DENSE_RANK() function is a very useful ranking function that can assign ranks to rows within each group, with rows with the same rank getting the same rank value and no skipped ranks. Unlike the RANK() and ROW_NUMBER() functions, it does not skip ranks, so it can assign the same rank to rows with the same value.