SQL Server LAG() Function

The SQL Server LAG() function is a window function that can be used to access the previous row of data in a query result set. This function can be used to calculate the difference between the current row and the previous row, or to compare the data in the previous row with the current row. The LAG() function is very useful when analyzing data and can help analysts identify trends and patterns in the data.


The syntax for the LAG() function is as follows:

LAG(expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ( [partition_by_clause] order_by_clause )


  • expression: the column or expression that you want to access the previous row data of.
  • offset: the offset of the previous row to be accessed, defaults to 1. For example, if the offset is 2, the LAG() function will access the previous two rows of data.
  • default: the default value to be used if the previous row data to be accessed does not exist. Defaults to NULL.
  • partition_by_clause: optional parameter to group the data by column or expression.
  • order_by_clause: specifies the order of the columns or expressions in the query result set.


The LAG() function is suitable for the following scenarios:

  • Calculating the difference between the current row and the previous row.
  • Comparing the data in the previous row with the current row.
  • Identifying trends and patterns in data.
  • Using sliding window functions when analyzing data.


Here are two examples of the LAG() function, including sample data and results.

Example 1

Assume there is a table named sales that contains the following data:

year quarter sales
2020 Q1 100
2020 Q2 200
2020 Q3 300
2020 Q4 400
2021 Q1 500
2021 Q2 600
2021 Q3 700
2021 Q4 800

We can use the LAG() function to calculate the sales growth rate for each quarter. Here is the query and the result:

SELECT year,
  LAG(sales, 1) OVER (
    ORDER BY year,
  ) AS prev_sales,
    sales - LAG(sales, 1) OVER (
      ORDER BY year,
  ) / LAG(sales, 1) OVER (
    ORDER BY year,
  ) AS growth_rate
FROM sales;


year quarter sales prev_sales growth_rate
2020 Q1 100 NULL NULL
2020 Q2 200 100 1.0000
2020 Q3 300 200 0.5000
2020 Q4 400 300 0

Example 2

Suppose there is a table named employees containing the following data:

employee_id department salary
1 A 5000
2 A 6000
3 B 7000
4 B 8000
5 B 9000
6 C 10000

We can use the LAG() function to calculate the salary growth rate for each employee within their department. The following query statement and result are shown below:

SELECT employee_id,
  LAG(salary, 1, 0) OVER (
    PARTITION BY department
    ORDER BY salary
  ) AS prev_salary,
    salary - LAG(salary, 1, 0) OVER (
      PARTITION BY department
      ORDER BY salary
  ) / LAG(salary, 1, 0) OVER (
    PARTITION BY department
    ORDER BY salary
  ) AS growth_rate
FROM employees;


employee_id department salary prev_salary growth_rate
1 A 5000 0 0
2 A 6000 5000 0.2000
3 B 7000 0 0
4 B 8000 7000 0.1429
5 B 9000 8000 0.1250
6 C 10000 0 0


The LAG() function is a very useful window function that can be used to access the data from the previous row within a query result set. This function is useful for calculating the differences between the current and previous rows or comparing the data from the previous row to the current row. Using the LAG() function can help analysts identify trends and patterns in the data, which can lead to a better understanding of the data.